Research - Task 2
For part of my research I have decided to look at Chloe Burrows'
blog to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of her coursework. This
will give me an insight into how much detail I will need to include in
my own blogs to achieve a high grade.

Research- Chloe's research into the music industry and music videos from a wide variety of genres is highly detailed and executed to a high standard. She has also used a wide variety of different multimedia formats throughout her blog which will allow her to reach the higher grades. However, throughout this section some of the URL links to videos and websites do not work, which means some of her work cannot be accessed which is unfortunate.
Planning- Chloe's planning is also very detailed and features lots of images which highlight the progress she has been making throughout the music video module. Her drawings also help to visually demonstrate her ideas and allow the examiner and her audience to view her original workings.

Music video- Chloe's music video follows a female actress around multiple locations, and features a wide variety of camera shots, angles and transitions. She has also used a variety of different lighting to create a diverse range of effects throughout the video, and has used multiple costumes. However, the camera quality is not very high which creates a less professional standard to the video, and some of the camerawork is also slightly shaky which reinforces the un-professional effect. As the video also only focuses on one person the storyline is unclear as the video does not seem to follow any particular narrative.
Digipack- Chloe's digipack is produced to a very high standard and her posts surrounding her digipack are very detailed and specific. She has analysed her work well and has set herself improvements she could make next time. The only criticism I could make is that the colour of the text on the digipack back-cover blends in slightly with the background so it is not very easy to read.

Magazine Advert- Chloe's magazine advert is quite plain in comparison to her other media products, and looks slightly unprofessional as the white background creates quite a basic look. The photos used on the magazine cover are also not very high quality which reinforces the un-professional look, which could possibly result in her receiving a low grade for this section. However, the text used is bold and bright which will attract her audience's attention.
Evaluation- Chloe has used a variety of different multimedia formats to produce her evaluations, which is a key strength throughout her blog as a variety of layouts will enable her to reach the higher grades with the examination board. Her evaluation is also very detailed and features both strengths and weaknesses, submitted by herself and other candidates.
Chloe's Music Video:
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