Friday, 24 June 2016

Research into another student's work (part 1)

Research - Task 2

For part of my research I have decided to look at Philippa Klymowskyj's blog to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of her coursework. This will give me an insight into how much detail I will need to include in my own blogs to achieve a high grade.

Research- Overall, Philippa's research is really good as it contains lots of detail and is neatly presented in a logical sequence. Her shot count analysis focused on the track Hymn by Ultravox, and featured 10 shots. Her analysis was detailed and very precise as she included the exact seconds each shot covered.
She also included a large variety of videos throughout her blog, ranging from a wide variety of different music genres to help her analyse a diverse range of artists' msuic videos. However, to improve her research she could have made sure she had a consistent level of detail throughout each post as some of her posts were lacking the same standard of effort and were therefore a lower quality in comparison.

Planning- Again, Philippa's planning was produced to a high standard as she included lots of detail and had a clear and logical layout. She also included a variety of photos which is key for a higher grade as it highlights your ideas to the examiner and also adds a variety of layouts throughout your blog. As you can see from the drawing on the left, her planning drawings were also very detailed which is a strength to her work as it shows she puts a lot of effort into her coursework which will have helped her reach the higher grades. The only weakness I have noticed is that a few of her posts are block text, which shows she doesn't consistently use different forms of multimedia which is essential for this piece of coursework.

Music Video- Philippa's music video was well planned throughout her blog and was focused around a male actor. The music video contrasts from normal colour to black and white throughout the video, and features a variety of different shots, transitions and camera angles which is a key essential to achieving a professional aesthetic. However, a weakness of her video that I noticed was that the camera quality wasn't very high, which therefore makes the footage look grainy and low quality (which you can see in the photo below) which is unfortunate and would result in candidates receving a lower grade. As the footage was also primarily focused only on one person there didn't appear to be a clear storyline to the music video which could confuse her audience.

Digipak- Philippa's digipack posts were much less frequent and less detailed than all her other sections, however she has included a variety of mulitmedia formats which will help bring her grades up. To improve this section of her coursework further she would need to include more detail and information about the process of creating her didgipack, and maybe include a more detailed analysis of the production.

Magazine Advert- Throughout Philippa's magazine section there were a few grammatical errors which would bring her grade down, and yet again her posts for this section were less frequent and less detailed. However, she included lots of images throughout this section of her coursework which show her progress through the production.

Evaluation- Philippa's evaluation was very detailed and produced to a high quality. Her evaluation featured a wide variety of multimedia formats as she used two Prezi presentations to convey her analysis, and also included a few screenshots from her editing process to show her progress. 

Philippa's Music Video:

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