Overall I think that our finished video is really good as we were able to match the real video to a high standard as we paid close attention to all the angles and movements throughout the video, and took into consideration how to change the furniture and location to suit each shot. Therefore, this enabled us to create a high quality video with only a few minor errors here and there.
We had a slight continuity error in costumes as at the beginning of the video Dan (who plays Liam Payne) is shown wearing a navy polo shirt, whereas during his solo his costume changed to a jumper. This is because we filmed over 2 days - the 23rd and the 28th, and Dan forgot to bring the same item of clothing again. However, this was not a major issue as it isn't very noticeable as Dan's costume in the first few shots are not the main focus.

Another slight issue we encountered is that some of the shots are very slightly out of focus due to changes in lighting and a variation of camera angles and zooms. To improve this we would have to re-film those shots again and make sure they're perfect before editing the final pieces of footage altogether so we will have to keep this in mind when we film our real music videos.
However, overall I think our recreation of the Little Things video turned out really well and was finished to a high standard, and we worked effectively as a team to finish all the filming on time. In our group I would say that Millie and I worked most effectively as a team as we completed all the editing as well.
As a process, I think planning, filming and editing this preliminary task has been extremely helpful for our coursework later in the year as it has given us an insight to the level of commitment and effort we will need to put into our real music videos to ensure we reach the higher grades. This process has also highlighted to me how many different camera angles, shots and levels of zoom I will need to include in my future music video to add variation throughout the video to achieve a professional looking effect. This preliminary task has also taught me to make sure all the files are properly saved into the correct files, as Millie and I did not realise that we hadn't saved the files correctly and almost lost all our footage half-way through the editing, as the files were saving onto the memory card and not the computer. To avoid any silly mistakes like this in our real coursework I will now know to check everything is correctly imported and saved in a safe file from now on, and to have copies of everything just in case anything gets deleted.